We had links on here last spring to an online revision course sponsored by Intel. The links to that were broken during the summer due to the expiration of a Zoom License . But before that expired, I downloaded the links and have now (finally) got around to uploading them again: this time to Vimeo.
A few points to note....
Obviously any references to the structure of the exam relate to the standard set-up and choice of questions, and not to the expanded choice that we expect in 2021
Also, important to stress that there is nothing in the course that students won't have heard a few hundred times already. But sometimes courses like this can help to give students an overview of the syllabus and help to get them organised. If any of you want to share them with students, please feel welcome to do so. Where they refer to notes, they are generally referring to the notes contained in the resources section of this website, or slight variants thereof. Similarly with the PowerPoints
And finally, please note that these are online now exactly as they happened at the time. And that involves several minutes at the beginning of each video where I am getting myself organised, going off for a cup of coffee and leaving a blank screen, or staring intently at the camera as I try to organise my files. etc. Apologies to all for the low production quality.
These sessions were recorded and organised with the support of Intel. Many thanks to Tracey Nolan there. and the revision course was originally organised with Paul Nugent of the Institute of Physics.
The zoom recordings are available at the links below:
Thanks a million for these. The last two are password protected for me and I can't access them.