The always interesting and educational Frontiers of Physics Conference is due to run on Saturday September 25, online. The schedule is summarised below, and includes loads of interest to us all.
The keynote speaker is Professor Kevin McGuigan, who is the director of the RCSI Solar Disinfection Research Group and who will talk about his work developing solar-based technologies for water treatment in resource-poor rural environments. He has previously coordinated successful field studies of these technologies in Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, S. Africa and Cambodia.
I see there's a section in the morning too on the use of phyphox: a lab in your pocket. This is a great app which the IoP ran workshops on last year, and for which they published a guide in their classroom physics magazine. It all looks really interesting and sure to be useful, but until I saw the promo below, I had forgotten all about it! To my mind, this is one of the most important aspects of events like this. Its not all about new and exciting ideas. They also serve to remind us of last year's exciting ideas that we (or at least I) had forgotten all about!
