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Upcoming Events

(courtesy of David Keenahan)

Some of the following events between now and Easter may be of interest to teachers of Physics.

Wed 27 March 1900 - 2100

ISTA Dublin Branch AGM takes place in Blackrock College, Dublin 1900 [Tea & coffee on arrival]

1930 Buisness Meeting; Minutes, Reports, Elections. A.O.B.

1950 (approx.) Michael Grehan will present a talk/workshop on Space Science

This year's AGM lecture entitled 'Easy astronomy starting where we are' will be presented by Michael Grehan, Irish Astronomical Society secretary and teacher. Michael's talk will take members on a journey through our solar system and beyond, exploring celestial bodies and space exploration. The talk will also include ideas to help engage students in astronomy. This talk is suitable for all whether a practising teacher or not, specialist or non-specialist.

Sat 30 March 1000 - 1700

IOP Spring Meeting, in Sheraton hotel Athlone

Theme: A Climate of Change

Six speakers and the Rosse Medal Competition for postgraduate physics communication.

Prof Joanna Haigh, Imperial College LondonProf John Sweeney, Maynooth UniversityProf Paul Hardaker, Institute of PhysicsDr Elizabeth Mathews, Dublin City UniversityDr Bajram Zeqiri, NPLDr Cormac O’Raifeartaigh Waterford Institute of Technology

Register online at (includes lunch and refreshments).

[Programme attached below]

Fri 12 (1900) – Sun 14 April (1230).

ISTA Annual conference at DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra and Skylon hotel, Dublin

Theme: Embracing the elements of change

Book via Eventbrite which is linked to the conference website.

[Programme attached below]

Geogebra Workshops 7 - 9pm run by PDST for teachers of STEM subjects. Book here

Great news

You may also be interested to hear some really good news for the I.O.P. and the Physics community generally:

Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell has very generously donated her £2.3m Breakthrough Prize money to encourage greater diversity in Physics.

To find out more, click here.

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