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Further changes to 2021 L Cert....

The further changes to the 2021 L Cert have been published.

The full document is available at...

But I think this is the bit of most relevance to us here...

Higher Level and Ordinary Level The following changes apply to both the Higher Level and the Ordinary Level for 2021.
In Section A candidates are usually required to answer three questions from four. In 2021, candidates will be required to answer two questions from five.
Each question in Section A carries 40 marks, as in previous years.
In Section B candidates are usually required to answer five questions from eight. In 2021, candidates will be required to answer four questions from nine. The first question in Section B usually requires candidates to answer eight out of ten short questions. In 2021, candidates will be required to answer eight out of twelve short questions. Each question in Section B carries 56 marks, as in previous years.
The total mark allocation for the examination papers in 2021 will be 304 marks, instead of the usual 400 marks.

And the Instructions to candidates on the examination paper, Higher Level and Ordinary Level, 2021 will read...

...Answer two questions from Section A and four questions from Section B. Section A (80 marks) Answer two questions from this section. Each question carries 40 marks. Section B (224 marks) Answer four questions from this section. Each question carries 56 marks.

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