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Hurdy Gurdy Physics....Visit The Vintage Radio Museum in Howth

The IoP is organising one their semi-regular physics-at-work events in the Vintage Radio Museum in Howth.

The museum boasts many examples of early Morse equipment, gramophones, crystal sets, valve radios and other pieces of equipment. Additionally, you’ll find music boxes, posters, photographs, telegrams, batteries, needle boxes, early TVs, stamps, household items and more. It’s a gadget lover’s paradise.

Pat Herbert began collecting radios and all things connected with communications in the 1950s and amassed this vast private collection. Pat had an encyclopaedic knowledge on the history of radio and was also a great storyteller. He generously allowed the setting up of the amateur station EI0MAR in the Martello Tower.

Fittingly, the Martello Tower has historic links with Marconi and Lee DeForest, two of the fathers of wireless, who conducted early experiments from the tower in 1903 and 1905. It was also the site where the first communications cable from Holyhead in Wales to Ireland was laid in 1852.


Wednesday May 11th 2022 6pm

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