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Review of the Marking of 2023 LC Physics

As has happened for a number of years, has happened for a number of years, the IoP and The ISTA are joining forces next Tuesday to organise a session where an experienced marker of Leaving Certificate Physics papers, will give a personal insight into the marking schemes for this year’s paper.

Common student mistakes and misconceptions will be emphasised

These have been an invaluable resource over the years for those of us who haven't worked on the marking of scripts, but who need to know how the marking works so that we can best advise our students.

I was surprised last year by meeting a number of teachers who hadn't heard about the event and had missed it - particularly younger teachers who could really do with the insights offered on the night - so please spread the word!

The details....

Institute of Physics CPD Webinar in association with

The Irish Science Teachers Association, Dublin Branch

Identifying student misconceptions made evident in the marking of the

2023 LC Physics Higher Paper

7pm Tues Sept 19th 2023


More details: contact Paul Nugent:

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