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Virtual Physics Lab: Webinar from the IoP/ISTA

Due to the apparently phenomenal demand for their last VPLab webinars, the IoP have scheduled another on Wed May 6th 7-8pm in partnership with ISTA - Wexford Branch

The success of webinars over recent weeks, particularly those run by the IoP on the VPLab and Isaac Physics has been one of the good news stories in education during a difficult time. I would be willing to bet* that the continuing popularity of this type of meeting will be a legacy of the shutdown - alongside in-person meetings, of course.

The numbers attending is limited in order to facilitate discussion and interaction, apriority will be given to members of ISTA- Wexford Branch

Also, to keep up on all such webinars and other IoP/Physics activities, you might all want to join

(*not actually willing to bet)

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