I believe there are still places available for the ISTA Annual Conference, being held this weekend in Limerick. The theme of the
event is 'Science Education for a Sustainable Future'
It's always an enjoyable event and a great way to meet colleagues away from the busy-ness of school life, and I see that this year's speakers include Evelyn Cusack of Met Éireann, Duncan Stewart of Eco-Eye (on RTE) and Luke O'Neill of TCD.
Alongside the main sessions there are several workshops and concurrent talks where attendees can choose which task most suits their own need. The available workshops include:
RSC Global Experiments as CBA projects
Fantastic DNA (FDNA) activity, extracting DNA from a banana
What Happens Next?
Flash! Bang! Fuel & reactions make & take workshop
PDST Marine Medicine: What the Ocean Can Do for Your Health
Research Centre for Medical Devices Climate Action through STE(A)M and CBA
Globe Ireland, Environmental Education Unit (An Taisce)
Climate Detectives
The concurrent session in the morning are listed as:
Power Up Your Pedagogy, Bruce Robertson, Author of ‘The Teaching Delusion’ trilogy and ‘Power Up Your Pedagogy: The Illustrated Handbook of Teaching
Entry into STEM careers of tomorrow: supporting gender equality Dr Regina Kelly, Lecturer in Science Education
Drugs in Sport Dr. Jim Healy, Department of Applied Science,
Osteoarthritis and Regenerative Medicine Dr. Niamh Fahy, Department of Applied Science, TUS
It all looks very interesting.
Full details and booking available here: ISTA Annual Conference 2023 – Science Education for a Sustainable Future – Irish Science Teachers' Association