I'm sure most people visiting here have come across the new draft specifications for LC Physics - released with a view to be introduced to 5th years in Autumn 2025 and examined for the first time in June 2027 - but for anybody who hasn't, the link is available here:
Also released today are more details of the consultation process that will run from today until Friday, Feb 23rd. The links for that are to be found here.
If you click there you will find three links:
one for an online survey - also here:
one for those who wish to make a submission to the NCCA about the specs - also here
and one for those who wish to attend the consultation event on Wed 21st Feb in Athlone - Physics | NCCA
The online survey estimates it will take 45 minutes to complete, and begins with an interesting quote: The new specifications aim to provide continuity with Junior Cycle Science, introduce an additional assessment component, and widen the appeal of the sciences to a broader range of learners with diverse post-school aspirations.
The submission - which can be from organisations or individuals estimates it will take 30 mins.
The application form only takes a minute - but doesn't promise success - you are applying to attend, and obviously spaces will have some sort of limit